Black Lives Matter

The Fates and Graces Mythologium condemns the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and all our Black brothers and sisters who have died at the hands of racist systems, culture, behaviors, and beliefs. We mourn their lost lives, and we mourn for the trauma and denied opportunity that our culture has inflicted on all Black people.

Black lives matter. Black mythology matters. Black mythologists matter. 

We commit to cultivating an inclusive community that celebrates diversity, amplifies the voices of marginalized mythologists, and honors sacred narratives of the whole human family. We call on all mythologists to join us in rooting out racism in our field, whatever it takes for as long as it takes. We commit our mythic imaginations to this work. 

We join our voices to those who call for justice and a deep re-visioning of our collective values. Our sorrow is our call to action to address and redress racism. We also commit to our ongoing awakening as an organization, and to dismantling the structures and assumptions that hold us all back, especially in the field of mythological studies. Now more than ever, let us inspire each other, amplify each other’s voices, and cherish the alchemy of being together. As we lift each other, we all rise. 

We’ll talk more about this at the Mythologium. Meanwhile, keep marching, keep raising your voice, and keep creating a more just, caring, compassionate world. 

Our blessing and love to you and yours.