Mythologium 2022 welcomes Maria Felice Cunningham

Maria’s talk is called “Eco-Psychologically Transform The Climate Crisis by Accessing the Force”

Story making, storytelling, and story listening are human superpowers. Seemingly, humankind’s ability to imagine the impossible and make it a reality changed evolutionary history. Yet today, humanity has crossed over the bridge of mystery and into a glacial river of truth–meaning we need to be honest about our rapidly warming Earth.

Yet, the same mythologies from our early beginnings that knitted us into nature’s awe and abundance are what we could be turning into modern narratives. 

A new mythology for living into the future will come forward through the tales we imagine today. And needed are the heroes or heroines who are the story makers and story carriers—those who can gallop full speed into the mouth of danger and change where humanity is heading.

A hidden path has appeared that negates living as we always have, and today’s younger generations are creating actionable plans for slowing climate change and re-arranging their futures. From another perspective, we don’t have much time to act, so I suggest preparing for adventures. 

All our collective stories are needed to conjure the one perfect solution. A Force so powerful a thousand other ideas get birthed.  

As humanity stands at the mythical Crossroads of Fate, our tribal collective seeks kind, generous, and courageously compassionate eco-psychological responses that could bind us into collective action. 

About Maria

Maria Felice Cunningham is a story writer, storyteller, and re-seeder of curiosity. She believes hope lives in our ears and courage in our hearts, while wisdom requires listening to the natural world. She is a connector who passes on whispers heard in seashells and she uses stories as her currency.

Maria Felice spent decades in corporate America creating stories and advertising campaigns for capital growth while partnering with targeted non-profits. She is an eco-psychologist, board-certified culture and leadership coach, author, journalist, and doctoral candidate at Viridis Graduate School. Her primary focus is promoting stories, myths and fairy tales to face the challenges of a warming Earth.