Mythologium 2023 welcomes Dr. Jean Benedict Raffa

Dr. Raffa’s presentation is called “Remyth Your Story: Integrate Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes with Heart”

Our family and social groups condition us from childhood to hold certain beliefs and attitudes about gender differences. Unawareness of the influence of archetypes traditionally associated with the feminine and masculine principles impedes our ability to live authentic, meaningful lives based on the truths of our hearts.

We can recognize the difference between archetypes and stereotypes, and between inherent archetypes and personal archetypal images, by reflecting on our dreams, emotions, instincts, attitudes, and numinous experiences. Evolving self-awareness leads us away from dependence on the collective and into our personal authority. Fortified by self-acceptance, self-love, and personal meaning, we are empowered to change our life story and follow our hearts to fulfilling work and loving relationships.

Dr. Jean Benedict Raffa explores the interface between psychology, mythology, spirituality, and your life’s myth in her newest, Nautilus Award-winning book, The Soul’s Twins: Emancipate Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes.

About Dr. Raffa

After a lengthy and life-transforming spiritual descent, educator, Jungian scholar, and author Jean Benedict Raffa, Ed.D., began an in-depth study of Jungian psychology, mythology, and her dreams. Her books, The Bridge to Wholeness, Dream Theatres of the Soul, the Wilbur Award-winning Healing the Sacred Divide, and the Nautilus Award-winning The Soul’s Twins, are outgrowths of this ongoing inner work. A former teacher, television producer and college professor, Dr. Raffa continues to make presentations about her books. For more information, subscribe to Dr. Raffa’s blog, Matrignosis, and find her on Facebook.