Workshop: Your Mythic Career This Year

Workshop: Your Mythic Career This Year

January 1, 2023, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Pacific time via Zoom

Join us for a one-day workshop to recharge your myth reserves and set yourself up for success in the new year!

🔶 Create (or deepen!) your soul's resume
🔶 Reconnect with what drew you to myth in the first place
🔶 Envision where you could take your work in 2023
🔶 Use those mythic insights to chart out your year’s goals so you can walk away with a concrete action plan

Give your year the gift of a day, then watch what it gives you in return. 

Will the workshop be recorded? Yes, all registered attendees will receive a video of everything except the breakout rooms.

Are you a Fates and Graces patron? If so, we will send your discount as a refund via PayPal after you register.