Mythologium 2023 welcomes Helen Slater

Helen’s presentation is called “Images of Refuge and the Awakened Heart in the Demeter Myth”

There are four archetypal images of refuge laced throughout the Demeter narrative from the Demeter and Persephone myth. The path to Eleusis, the olive tree, the well, and the temple highlight how Demeter awakens to her calling as a custodian of the Mysteries.

Using a depth psychological lens, specifically James Hillman’s writings, to understand how refuge is linked with contemplative heart practice, this presentation seeks to bring insight into refuge as a necessary collective experience. The images of refuge that are discussed are then amplified in other sacred texts and myths.

About Helen

Helen Slater is currently a doctoral student in the Myth program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her dissertation, Taking a Seat in the Awakened Heart: The Archetypal Nature of Refuge, examines the collective need for refuge, which is found in myth, fairytales, and sacred texts. She is an actress who has worked in film, television, and stage for the last four decades. As a songwriter, she has composed six original albums, three of which are based on myths and fairytales. For more information, please visit

Mythologium 2020 welcomes Claire Savage

Claire’s talk is called, “Lay your burden down: Baubo jests to ease Demeter’s despair”

By studying the mythic character of Baubo and her relationship with Demeter, contemporary women may find the freedom to travel into new psychic terrain, plumb the depths of the soul and embrace their own changing bodies and generative energies. C.G. Jung said, “The process of coming to terms with the unconscious is a true labour, a work which involves both action and suffering.” This presentation looks at three ways in which the relationship between the ailing Demeter and the old lady Baubo work together to facilitate a deeper relationship with the unconscious: 1) through the archetypal realm of their mythical characterizations; 2) through the power of female sexual energy in its fierce expression of life, and 3) through the divine pleasure of full-belly laughter, grounded in the libidinal flow of eros and the regenerative power of the earth. Baubo offers herself in the service of life so that Demeter may feel her own heart, lay her burden down for just that moment, and make way for the mystery of life to shine through.

About Claire

Claire Tiampo Savage is a doctoral student in Jungian and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has a master’s degree in educational psychology, is a credentialed teacher and resource specialist, and has taught regular and special education in Milwaukee and the San Francisco Bay Area. Claire has written for The Journal for Career Assessment and Psychological Perspectives and has an upcoming chapter entitled “The soul’s calling in teacher education” in New voices and new visions: Explorations in archetypal pedagogy, edited by C. Mayes, S. Persing, and C. Schumacher.

Mythologium 2020 welcomes Kristina Dryža

Kristina’s talk is called, “The Archetypal Necessity for Descending into Hades”

Exploring the myth of Demeter and Persephone, Kristina will ask: How does the soul come to love Hades and that which lives in the underworld? How are we even acquainted with and initiated into this subterranean realm? Why is it necessary to be abducted from our intense identification with Demeter’s life lived on the surface to encounter Hades, and all that lies below? And how, like Persephone, can we belong to, and partner with, both the upper and underworld?

About Kristina

Kristina Dryža is recognized as one of the world’s top female futurists and is also an archetypal consultant and author. Kristina has always been fascinated by patterns and feels we are patterned beings in a patterned universe. She writes and speaks about the patterning of seasonal, tidal, lunar, and circadian rhythms and their influence on creativity, innovation, and leadership. She also explores archetypes and mythology to perceive the patterns in the collective unconscious and their expression within our psyches, society and media. You can view her TEDx talk on ‘Archetypes and Mythology. Why They Matter Even More So Today’ here: