The Mythologium welcomes Dr. Katherine J. Bailes, JD

Katherine’s presentation is about King Minos and the U.S. psyche

Classical Greek mythology includes the story of King Minos of Crete, son of Zeus and father to the infamous Minotaur. Minos was born of privilege, destined to be King, yet his insecurities and actions guided him to use bravado and deceit to secure the throne. The consequences of these actions resulted in a monster son and bad relations with neighboring city states. Dr. Bailes will share aspects of the story to expose the Minos archetype and reveal glimpses of its constellation in the current U.S. political psyche.

About Katherine:

Katherine J. Bailes, JD, PhD is a practicing attorney and an adjunct professor of mythological studies at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas. Dr. Bailes holds a BFA in painting from the University of North Texas and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas, School of Law. She later obtained a master’s degree and Ph.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, California. Her dissertation topic entitled “The Themis Principle: Mystery and Irrationality in the U.S. Legal System” focused on the mythological aspects of the law as expressed in ancient cultures through goddesses such as Athena, Themis, Inanna and Maat. She has received numerous awards and served in a variety of leadership positions in art, law and teaching, successfully combining these fields through her understanding of story and the human capacity for myth making.

She can be reached through her LinkedIn profile or email.